This is restore kit, which includes an image of an existing installation. It is something like copying our server to your system. Installation takes more than 20 hours but restore dvds takes just 90 Minutes .Functionality & Performance wise there is no difference between restore disks and installation disks. Restore disks are meant for people who want to work on ECC straight away (such as functional consultants) without spending much time for installation. Installation DVDs are ideal for technical consultants who need to learn the installation and configuration. Installation of ECC6.0 takes around 20 hours in a higher end desktop while restore takes 1 and half an hour (90 minutes).Price is very reasonable. i. e. just 180 USD. International/National shipment charges 20 USD worldwide. Shipment anywhere in the world in 4 to 7 days. Tracking Information will also be provided for shipment.
This package includes- 17 DVDs of SAP ECC 6.0 Installation.
- Free any module course(ebooks) of worth upto 100USD.
- Free Project Documents
Minimum Hardware Requirements for this Installation :- P4/AMD processor and above
- 2GB RAM.
- 250 GB Harddisk
Price :- Restore DVDs Price : 180 USD
- Shipment Charges : 20 USD (Any country)
- Total Price : 200 USD
For any further clarification or doubts, please mail to